Gain a competitive edge through informed market intelligence and actionable insights from what's happening on SPAs in the market
Take the lead in managing customer success with a tool you need to validate, report, and negotiate strategically.
Benefits for Rep Agents
Transform Your SPA Management

Drive faster sales growth
Real-time dashboards provide market insight, allowing you to evaluate SPA impact by customer and maximize SPA utilization in real time.

Become a true extension of the manufacturer
A centralized hub facilitates communication between the manufacturer, manufacturer rep, and distributor, providing a clear line of sight on market intelligence and a single source of truth in real time.

Speed to market
Create, optimize, and deliver pricing and pricing updates faster to your end customers reducing the opportunity for margin compression and to maximize growth opportunities.

Ready to transform your SPA management process?
"It’s going to get rid of a lot of headaches we’re having to deal with month after month when it comes to how we submit our claims and how timely we get our money back."
Bobby W.
Corporate Pricing Manager
"Most software companies want to nickel and dime you to death; [Celerity’s] the exact opposite. They realize they’ll build the best platform if they tap into the market and partner with their customers. A lot of software firms are very short-sighted"
Mark F.
VP of Customer Success · Major Rockwell Distributor
"It’s time to embrace an innovative and efficient tool that offers unprecedented speed, accuracy and real-time data — in a single point of truth, all at your fingertips."
Megan O'Rear
Founder & CEO · Celerity Enterprises